
JBL The 7+13 Fertiliser Balls

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JBL The 7+13 Fertiliser Balls

JBL The 7+13 Fertiliser Balls –

Root fertiliser for freshwater aquariums (20 fertiliser balls).

Nutrition for aquarium plants – Healthy plants are important for every aquarium. Plants supply the aquarium with vital oxygen for the aquarium dwellers, prevent algae growth and also removes pollutants.

Healthy plants = Healthy fish – Healthy plants prevent algae growth, supply oxygen, remove pollutants, provide hiding places and reduce pathogens.

For the plants to flourish the following demands need to be met: Light as energy source for the photosynthesis of CO2, nutrients and trace elements as growth promoters.

  • Primary care for plant roots: specially produced clay balls loaded with nutrients, for freshwater aquariums
  • Storage capacity for nutrients. No deficiency symptoms: important trace elements such as iron, minerals
  • Optimal promotion of plant growth means less algae growth. No phosphates and nitrates
  • The stronger the root development of the plant, the better the nutrient absorption through the roots

Package contents: 1 pack The 7 + 13 balls, 20 fertiliser balls. To use: depending on the size of the plant, press one or more balls into the root zone once a year

With JBL fertilisers you supply the plants with all main nutrients and essential trace elements. This way the plants get all the required nutrients they need to absorb over the leaves and roots to prevent deficiency symptoms (e.g. iron deficiency).

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JBL The 7 + 13 Balls – MPN : 2011100